Friday, 5 February 2016

found hear cpa-email-list

The 10-Minute Emails Secret For Making Fast Cash Whenever You Want! A Man Uses This Technique 2 Times A Week Or More And Makes $50,000 Or More Each Time He Does It! Imagine this... Spending about 10-minutes writing a short email, clicking a single button, and then sitting back and watching as the profits literally roll in. Something you'd like to do? I thought so. To start, let me unveil some of the mystery surrounding 10-minute emails and give you a deep understanding of how they work. First, you'll need an autoresponder. Are you familiar with these little wonders? If not, let me tell you a bit about them to get you up to speed... Autoresponders are "machines" that can be loaded with messages that you write, or you hire someone to write. In fact, the message you're reading right now could be sent to you using an autoresponder. It does everything automatically. Whenever someone sends an buy email list to your autoresponder from their email address, the email address they use is automatically added to the autoresponders list manager. This is simply

a list of ALL the people that have ever sent an email to your autoresponder. Now with an autoresponder you can send out a message whenever someone sends an email to the machine. Or you can choose not to. It's your choice. But what's important is that you're able to collect and keep all of the email addresses of people that have signed-up for your autoresponder. But the first challenge you're going to run into is how the heck can you get people to sign-up into your autoresponder, right? Worry not.... Here's How To Build A Strong, Hungry, Ready To Buy Email List of Subscribers That Want To Buy What You Throw In Front Of Them! Well, the best way is to give the potential subscriber something for free. For instance, I offer free reports. You can do the same. Free reports are great because they don't cost you a dime when you send them out, because everything is online. So what you want to do is figure out what type of list you want to build. Your list should be targeted, meaning everyone signing up on it has a common interest. So if you were to create a list of dog lovers, you could have a report titled something like, "10 Things You Must Know About Your Dog's Health That Your Vet Will Never Tell You!" Then, you know that everyone signing up for your free report is interested in the health of their dog, meaning they're a dog owner. So what you would do to start signing up subscribers is this... 1) Create a free report on a subject that has a broad interest, but not too broad. For example, "dog owners", "gardeners", "moms", etc. 2) Write a letter that offers the free report and create it as a webpage. Do a search on Google and you'll find everything you need to create a great website that will serve you well. It doesn't need to be fancy. 3) Get an autoresponder. A quick search at Google under the keyword "autoresponder" will yield a ton of results. Pick one you like. But it's very important that you make sure the autoresponder service you choose has a "broadcast" feature which allows you to send out an email to everyone on your list at the same time. 4) Then, set everything up and get the word out about your free report offer. You can use solo ads, PPC search engines like Google Adwords, and even let people know from your main website if you have one. So how does the 10-minute email part come into play? Well, you go and search for products people on your list will like. Dog owners would be interested in buying health care products, toys, etc., all for their dog. But what you want to do is find products that have an affiliate program attached to them so you get paid a percentage of each sale you make. That's how you'll make your money.